Aborn/Byron Family Trees
Descendants of Daniel Aborn
2nd Great-Grandfather of Harold Aborn
Descendants of Nicholas Byron
Great-Grandfather of Fay Byron
Descendants of James Shortall
Great-Grandfather of Fay Byron
Ellis/Fitz Family Trees
Descendants of Robert Ellis
4th Great-Grandfather of Mildred (Ellis) Fitz
Descendants of Samuel Young
4th Great-Grandfather of Mildred (Ellis) Fitz
Descendants of Robert Black
4th Great-Grandfather of Mildred (Ellis) Fitz
Descendants of William Wilson
Grandfather of Mildred (Ellis) Fitz
Descendants of Edward Teague
6th Great-Grandfather of Dilmas Fitz
Descendants of Absolom Davis
4th Great-Grandfather of Dilmas Fitz
Descendants of Elijah Fitts (Fitz)
Great-Grandfather of Dilmas Fitz
Contact Me
Monroe Whittier Aborn (1913-1994)
1944 – Letter from Harold Aborn to his son Monroe Aborn (5 pages, 6MB PDF File)
1948 – Letter from Harold Aborn to his son Monroe Aborn (3 pages, 4MB PDF File)
Monroe Aborn c.1917
Monroe Aborn c.1919
Monroe Aborn c. 1921
Monroe Aborn – Revere Beach - 1934
Monroe and Winthrop Aborn c. 1935
Monroe Aborn c. 1938
Monroe Aborn – August 8, 1938
Monroes’s wife Margaret Hentschel Aborn